Thursday, July 29, 2010

New York; Legal advice lawyer attorney Child Custody; kidnapped ? What to do?

ONTARIO COUNTY NEW YORK;Father goes away for 120 days arrangements made for children to stay with grandmother (of wife)(wife not issue as she has abonded her children with the choose of drugs which was clearly 10 years later more important to this day.When he comes back grandmother refuses to give his kids back .Grandmother petitions for custody in her county and judge grants her custod becasue of the father was away for 120 days, but court failed to recognize that the father was the one who made arrangements with the grandparent to watch the children to begingn with. Is this fair or am I completly nieve or something. Father has been fighting for custody since. any Probono assistance or cival rights or constitutional rights lawyerswould be greatly appreciated here, I will even put up my house on the market and spilt the profit with someone who can turn this mess around. PS Child lives with him now and he is facing jail time for child supprt, PSS the grandmother dec Sincerely, MelissaNew York; Legal advice lawyer attorney Child Custody; kidnapped ? What to do?
Gotta use the 14th amendment for it and go after due process. Father has a right to counsel, right to be notified and such, in termination of paternity proceedings. Making plans to go away is not abandonment. If he was paying child support or sending money (and can prove it), then it is not abandonment. If the child was still under his insurance, it is not abandonment.

This may fall under the guidelines for kidnapping by deceit but you will not be able to get it into court. The government doesn't want to let that cat out of the bag.

This is a pretty common problem when leaving kids at a relatives house for long periods of time. I'm not a lawyer but I know enough to say he may have a long fight ahead of him.

P.S. It's not fair but it is the way the law is structured. If you ever have to leave your kids like that, make sure there is documentation or receipts or something to prove it is temporary and that you are providing for your child.

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