Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New to TTC - Advice from those who know?

Hi I am quite new to TTC. we have just really started trying properly for a baby. my husband and I have been married nearly a year and decided to stop 'preventing' pregnancy and to go ahead and try.

Our first month, we couldn't do the deed on the right days (I have been using OPK's and looking for egg white cm) because my husband was sick so we had a go but I was not surprised that we didn't get pregnant.

The second month which has just gone by, we did it on the right days I think. the opk was only positive on the 4th and 5th of february and i had lots of egg whites from the 3rd until the 7th and I had quite strong Ovulation pain on the 5th. we had sex on the 2nd 3rd 5th and 7th.

despite that for some reason I got my period on the 20th feb.

is it normal not to get pregnant when you time the sex well? it seems weird to me not to have got pregnant that time.

Anyway I have decided to use the Clear Blue fertility monitor from now on. I have set it and will use it when it asks me to insert sticks but I'm only on my 3rd day of my cycle.

Should I also be taking my temperatures? Or is that not necessary?

Also - alcohol and coffee... there seems to be a lot of information that contradicts itself on the web. some say there is no evidence that alcohol causes infertility where others say you should be T total while try to achieve pregnancy?

my husband and I are both taking pronatal supplements from sanatogen. is there a better one you recommend?

Sorry for the questions but I seem to be doing something wrong as we timed everything well and then didnt achieve pregnancy as I am on my period now - so please any advice would be great. thanks.New to TTC - Advice from those who know?
You are doing everything right. Its perfectly normal not to get preggo on the first try. It can take a healthy couple up to a year to conceive. Use your CBFM and chart your temps if you want...I do that just to confirm that I did indeed ovulate when the monitor says I did....and if you guys dont have any issues, you should get preggo! Good luck!New to TTC - Advice from those who know?
You're doing everything right. make sure to not eat too many salty or fatty foods.

try to keep his bits cool -- no laptops without a desk or resting place @_@

but other than that.. it can take months for you to get a positive. people try for a very long time.. hopefully you get your positive soon!

If you don't get it within a year, you should talk to your doctor.

Baby dust!
Don't be surprised if you don't fall pregnant straight away it can take a year or more to become pregnant and there is only something like a 20% chance each month of that egg fertilising.

If you are TTC then you should limit your alcohol intake or stop drinking altogether, coffee im not sure about but you could switch to a decaf if its the caffeine your worried about.
try not to stress out and think about it too much, i was ttc for 2 years and that can drive anyone insane! Having something to keep you occupied during the 2ww is essential!! Try not to read into ';symptoms'; too much!

If your both healthy and eat well then it shouldnt take too long hun.

The specialist i saw always told me to eat lots of greens - so if you dont already then start munching the veggies!

And if your using OPK tests the best time to BD is the day after the LH surge as you normally ovulate 12-48hrs after the positive result.

But remember hun it can take a healthy couple 6-12months to concieve baby dust your way!!
no you don't need to chart you temp if your using the clear blue easy monitor.. I love it. it is very accurate. One thing that I think worked for me is after having sex lay on your back with a pillow under your butt to make sure those little swimmers go where they are needed. Good luck and don't stress. Some of us have been trying for years and it sounds like your doing everything right.. Good luck :)
sounds good to me. the clearblue is meant to be good so let us know how you get on with that.

bbt is useful for confirming ovulation and detecting patterns in your cycles. i started it last month and it is a little confusing to begin with but i thnk it will be useful in the end.

has anyone told you about fertilityfriend? you can join that site its great!

also O prediction sites like鈥?/a> and are very useful too.

coffee and alcohol - i wonder the same things too. i hear from my gynae that some women can drink no probs and others one glass of wine a week will affect their fertility so its best to cut back just in case.

coffee - i have decided to have 1 coffee a day then switch to decaf. i think that is fair. i have friends who are pregnant and still have the odd cup of coffee. doesnt seem to do any harm.

your husband shouldnt drink alcohol as it harms sperm, and coffee before sex is a good thing for him it wakes the swimmers up a bit!

good luck and keep us posted. baby dust

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