my baby is now 1 week old, she sleeps during the whole day, I breast feed every 2-3 hours. When it strikes 1am, everything changes...she becomes a diaria machine....litterally her poop this morning squirted so high that it got on me and the carpet!
My question is;
Is it normal for the baby to poop sooo much at 1 week??????
Her poop is the appropriate mustard yellow with seed looking things, so her poop looks normal, but it's liquidy and diaria all the time, is this normal?
She'll have breast milk for about 30-40 minutes, then poop in out in 1-2 hours.
And ofcourse once it turns 1-2am, she will not let us sleep, constantly crying. Is it b/c we let her sleep too much in the morning?
sorry if it's too much info, but please help!New mom needing advice....?
Sorry to tell youthis, but this is normal. A child this young will not have anything remotely clsoe to a schedule. The earliest I have heard of a child getting on schedule is 6-8 weeks and this is not normal either.
The poop thing is normal. Yellow is normal breastfeeding color. My child's poop didn't harden up until about 3-4 months which was when I started cereal. THis may have been why it hardened (I do not suggest giving cereal to a child as young as yours). There were times that it was easier to take her to the sink and squirt her off with the squirter than to even try and wiper her bum.New mom needing advice....?
It is completely normal for a breastfed baby to have many poopy diapers...sometimes after every feeding! Your breastmilk is like a laxative for her, a good thing!
My baby shot me with poop when she was first home. My babies poop was liquidy and she is fine. It's not diarrhea. Diarrhea smells acidic. Baby poop just smells like breastmilk digested. All babies are different. Unless it turns green it's fine. My babies poop would turn green when I'd had to much milk so I've had to cut it to one glass a day and we do great. Yes your baby should be pooping AT LEAST 3-4 times a day. Well she's probably not pooping out the last feedings milk it's probably a few feeding ago. Food doesn't go through the system that fast.
Yes you are letting her sleep to much during the day. Try to keep her up as much as possible. It will be easier to deal with a crying baby during the day than in the middle of the night.
Try pumping her legs, make motions with her arms, get close to her face and talk to her. All this should keep her awake. She will only be able to be awake for an hour or two at a time but try for that amount of time. Then at night keep feedings quiet and dark. She will not sleep through the night but you should be able to get to where she can eat and go back to sleep and only wake up 3-4 times instead of being up the entire night.
Keep breastfeeding! that's best for her.
Breastfed babies typically have liquidy stool. They may poop as often as every feeding. Lots of poop is a good indicator that your baby is getting plenty of your milk. It's unlikely that she has diarrhea. It's also unlikely that she's reacting to something in your milk so soon after birth.
It also sounds like your baby may have her days and nights mixed up. This is fairly common for a newborn baby. You can help her adjust by keeping nighttime care as quiet and non-stimulating as possible. Use a dim light or nightlight, speak quietly, make sure that radio or TV noises aren't stimulating her. During the day, encourage her to stay awake longer after feedings by keeping the room bright, using bright cheery voices, and being more active and engaged. If she's sleeping a lot during the day, you can encourage her to sleep less by offering to nurse more frequently.
She's also very new, so she may just need time to adjust to life outside your body. Does she have a crib in a separate room? Most babies sleep better if they're at least in the same room with mom, if not in the same bed. She might be crying and restless at night because she doesn't feel safe. She's could be letting you know that she needs you close.
Maybe it's something in your diet that she can't digest. Watch what you eat and see if that makes a difference.
Poop is normal, but do feel free to talk to her doctor about it if you are really concerned. She isn't waking up because you are letting her sleep all day, she just doesn't have her days and nights organized yet :) In time she will. You can't really do much yet related to routine, just follow her cues. It is tough, but it does get easier - good luck.
it all very normal, my granddaughter didn't get the schedule thing until she was 3 months old, thank god for schedules.
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