Hi everyone, I've been thinking about getting quail for quite a while now and finally took the plunge on Saturday! I've got 3 CPQs (2 are hens and 1 is possibly a cock but we're not quite sure yet!), approx 3 months old.
They live in a converted rabbit hutch outside, it has a bedroom area above (the penthouse!) and large run below. I've put perspex around the run to stop the cats/chickens catching them through the bars, it also gives them a bit more protection from the elements.
Although we initially released them into the bedroom area they ran straight down to the run and haven't been back up since! I'm a bit worried cos it's so cold and they don't even bed down in the straw, they just sit there! I've tried putting a torch in the bedroom area to see if the light will attract them but it hasn't worked. I also put their food up there but they just went hungry! Today I sprinkled treats up the ladder to try and tempt them up but that didn't work either. Will they eventually work it out for themselves or should I try and catch them and put them up there again??
Although I read up on them before getting them and talked to other quail owners, I can't believe how skittish and daft they really are - can they really be tamed??
Sorry for such a long posting, I'm just panicking a bit cos I wanted them to be all nice and cosy in their new home, and not sat there wishing they were back in the pet shop!New Quail Keeper - Advice Needed Please?!?
Hi Fraser,
Welcome to the world of quail you are going to love Chinese painteds are so cute, i have three. I also have a bout 20 Japanese Quail they are great. The Main rules to follow are these and you will have happy quail.
1.Keep them warm out of drafts
2. Keep them dry dont let them get wet or damp
3. Always supply fresh water
4. lots of little hiding places for them.
5. A varied healthy diet
Quail are notorious for laying an egg and leaving it, they very rarely sit their eggs. I have had many clutches hatched by the hen i have lots of area's where they can hide but i can still observe they always have fresh water. Food must always be plentiful never scarce.
Provide cress in the soil for them to pick at they love it. Steamed vegetables such has
Carrots etc
still warm, a favourite just steam all the peelings that you normally compost or bin, very in expensive.
I also feed them chick feed and budgie seed but they eat a lot of veg.
Also Quail love mealworm and it is a way of getting them to take from your hand i always feed the mealworm to the small quail after they have been chilled in the fridge. This slows the meal worm down and the little birds gobble them up this way with a lot less trouble.
If it get's severly cold outside bring your little birds in if you can.
They will eventually come out side but that will not be until they are more settled and the weather has warmed up it is still very cold for quail at the moment.
Have fun with them they are great pets
Good luck xxNew Quail Keeper - Advice Needed Please?!?
My japanese quail stay at ground level all the time- i put in a nesting house in my quail pen and they go in at night. Try getting a ground nesting area.
put them in the bed area and keep them in there with food and water for 2-3 days then let them out , they should then use the bed area at night. good luck
Try moving the ';bedroom'; to ground level They wont go in , they tend to bed down under brush %26amp; bushes. I kept mine(when I had them) indoors in a 6ft long by 2 ft X 2 ft flight cage with some finches. all around the bottom I placed parts of an ols artificial Xmas tree %26amp; the went to nest, I didnt count on the babies getting out of the 1/2 X 1'; mesh though. I fed them mealworms aling w/leafy greens finch mix %26amp; oystershell grit.
What kind are these, are they Chinese Painted Button Quail or Coturnix ? You can sex either by 6 weeks some before then, both should be laying by now.If they're Button Quail they need to be kept inside room temperature about 60 degrees. Coturnix Quail can be kept outside , ours have shelter they can get out of the weather if they want to but they rather stay out in the open even if its raining and temperature in the 20's.We've been raising quail for 6 years and never lost any do to the weather , we keep the younger ones in cages the barn , the older ones outside in pens, all have shelter to get out of the weather if they want to.Most quails will not use a ladder or perch , they rather stay huddle up together on the ground , our Bobwhites will fly up on the perches and a few Coturnix but most prefer the ground.Most quail cannot be tamed especially that old , we incubate our own eggs and the chicks are really skittish, they'll run to a corner of the cage everytime we change their water and feed , the older ones are just the same they'll go to the back of the cage or the ones in pens wiil scatter. As for as pets about the only ones i know you can tame are the Chinese Painted Button Quail.We raise and sell them and people keep them in their houses, in aquariums and bird cages. If you pay attention to them and work with them you can make them out to be pets. All Quails can be fed fruits and vegetables , just have to try different kinds to see what they like. If you tell me what kind you have i may be able to tell you if they're males or females We have about 5 different types of Coturnix had 10 but some were'nt selling that good so we downsized, 6 different types of Bobwhites and Chinese Painted Buttton Quail.
quails are birds
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