Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New budgie, behaviour advice needed...?

My budgie is about 4 months old, very sweet and tame, and happy to be touched pretty much anywhere, wings, chest, cheeks. I'm trying to work out from her posture and behaviour when she's inviting me to touch her.

I've read that budgies will lean down low, facing you on the perch as an invitation to petting. Mine sometimes does that, but she will also sit up, alert but not too straight (she looks relaxed) and turn her head, eyes open, to one side. When you've tickled one side, she will turn her head.

Am I reading her right? Is this a signal she wants to be petted, or is it indifference? I figure exposing her throat like that is probably a sign of trust.

She has also begun sitting on my hand to feed out of my palm. Occasionally, when she's on the perch, she'll lean over and dig her beak into my finger a bit. It's not painful, just perplexing.

Is she just testing my hand before she sits on it, or is this a prelude to biting?New budgie, behaviour advice needed...?
i have a female blue budgie and she never lets me touch her. i think your doing the rite thing

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