Well heres the deal . . .
My baby is 3mo. and 3weeks old and I noticed that she has these little bumps on her upper back and it also red around them.
Here are some things that may be the problem:
1. My sister said that it may be a heat rash and it will go away, but its been there even when its not hot.
2. My mom says that it could be because of the clothes that she is wearing, the tags may be irritating her.
3. I think what if it is some type of allergic reaction to something that I dont know of.
Any one ever seen this on their baby? Or what else do you think it is?
Here are the pics:
http://i47.photobucket.com/albums/f173/nadiat_527/1111052-1.jpgNew Mom needs advice! (pics included)?
In the one pic it looks like a heat rash, but the other ones are hard to tell. They can get a heat rash even when it doesn't seem hot to you, especially if they are in pyjamas. Try keeping her just in a diaper if you can and see if the rash goes away. It might just be sensitive skin and I would switch to the Aveeno Baby line of products. Rather expensive but I had to switch with my son (now 5 mos). You should have a 4 month checkup with your pediatrician coming up - so definitely address it then. Good luck and congrats on the new one!New Mom needs advice! (pics included)?
my daughter had the exact same thing and it eczema i have mild eczema and our newborn shows skin irritation- early sign of eczema usually shows up only after a short period of time sometimes longer it is hereditary do you or your husband have it and it is possible for her to have it and not you or anyone else you should see your pediatrician
she might have dry or sensitive skin. its best to ask your doctor. my son has little bumps and his skin is red on his belly. the doctor said he has sensitive and dry skin and to try some lotion. the pics kind of look like what my baby's skin looks like. they are kind of blurry though.
The doctor would probably be more qualified to answer this question. We'd all just be guessing and you don't want to take the chance that someone may guess wrong. Please go to the doctor to get a qualified diagnosis.
It looks like dry skin. I would take her to the Dr. to confirm just to make sure. Eucerine lotion is great for dry skin. Check with your Dr. before you use it on her though...she's still very little.
Good luck!!
you need to take her to the doctor immediateley. dont try to figure it out on your own.
Wow your baby has lots of hair! Thats all I can say!Just remember babies skin is very sensitive...shes okay!
It could be detergent or the tags or heat rash. It could also be that when she is drinking, the milk is dripping out the corner of her mouth and around her neck to make her clothes damp, causing irritation. A friend of mine had a problem like that with her daughter and couldn't figure it out for a little but finally realized that was the problem. Try washing it well and coating it with a little vaseline. When my son used to wear pull ups, tried many brands and almost all of them gave him rashes like that and the vaseline always worked.
my baby got some like this and I rubbed a little hydrocortisone cream 1% on it and about 6 hours later there was just a little left.... you can apply that up to 3X a day.... as to what it is from, I really cant tell you, I think my baby got it from a little spit up that she layed in for up to 3 hours (while we were all asleep.)....
good luck, and I have to say.... your baby has such beautiful long hair for 3 months!!! my baby is 2 months and had an inch of hair when she was born but it hasnt grown since ....
Doesnt look to bad..at first I was thinking eczema, my son had that..but it really doesnt look much like that..he had red bumps but it was also really red around the bumps and in some spots was like a raw looking color...It could be a reaction to your laundry soap..are you using baby soap? It could also be the bath soap...try switching both and see if it subsides at all..and it could also be heat rash..newborns get rashes from everything! lol I would make a trip to the doctor just to be sure..but it doesnt look serious.
Good luck
added note: if it turns out eczema, make sure you get a presciption for it..my doctor told me to use over the counter creams on my sons for 3 months and it was terrible..he was suffering! My neighbors son had it also and she gave me the names of some creams..I called the doctor and demanded them..sure enough..i put it on him and in 10 mins @@ there was improvment..I will give you the names of those creams if it turns out to be eczema..but honestly, to me it doesnt look like that
my 4 kids had the exact same thing and it was eczema i have eczema and soap can cause it to flare up and so can some lotions try useing only nonscented soaps and lotion and washing powder. the doctor wont give you anything for it until she turns 2 thats when mine got it however you could use aveeno baby products they work great on my kids. try not to let pepole hold the baby who have prefumes on and a lot of make all of this can cause it to flare up. and you never know it could just be heat rash. hope this helps
How long has she had it? It may be detergent or something like that. My daughter had red on her neck because I used a different detergent and she would scratch at it. Try a free and clear laundry detergent and no fabric softener at all. Good luck. Other than that I would make an appointment with the dr if you are worried.
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