Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Threats from my ex's new gf...need advice!?

My ex and I have shared custody of our daughter for 2 years now. His new girlfriend of 7 months made him change his number a few months ago b/c she didnt like the fact that we still talked (discussions about our daughter only). I have not spoken to him since before Christmas. Everytime we need to meet up with our daughter or discuss anything regarding her, I've have to go through the new girlfriend. She's very hard to deal with, she lashes out, is very controlling and tries to make all custody decisions. I've come to the point to where I have had enough so I stopped answering her calls/texts and told her that I will only talk to my ex from now on so if he needs anything he will need to contact me directly. I was tired of all my messages being exaggerated and relayed the wrong way. This girl loves drama and all I want to do is keep the peace and be civil. After 4 months of no direct communication, my ex called me last night (from her cell) and told me he will give me the number to the house phone only so I can speak to him if I need to. I told him that was fine as long as I dont have to talk to his girlfriend. So just when I finally feel a bit of relief, she sends me a text this morning saying that I MUST go through her for everything and if I dont then they will not work with me and will make things very crappy for me. Anyway, are there any legal actions I can take against this? Its so stupid and immature. They also just bought a house together, so as of now I have no idea where my daughter is living when she is not with me and I still do not have his cell number.Threats from my ex's new gf...need advice!?
Sounds like you and your ex had things settled out before *****-zilla got involved. Now that he wants her in his life, he has made the decision for you to get this custody arrangement permanent in court. On top of that, I think it's time he paid child support. You also have a right to know where your daughter is. Get the address immediately, or I would think it's considered kidnapping...

Talk to a lawyer today, immediately. Save the text messages she is sending you so the court can see how hostile she is. She does not have any custody rights to your child, so she should not be involved. Take solice in the fact that this guy is getting in way deep with a woman that is going to make him miserable.Threats from my ex's new gf...need advice!?
Time to talk to an attorney. Don't delete any of her or your text messages.
Contact a lawyer and get into court unless you want to keep dealing with this witch.
Are your custody arrangments thru the court? If not, I don't believe you have a legal recourse.

You need to tell your ex firmly that you will speak to him and only him regarding your daughter. His girlfriend has no legal stake in the matter and is irrelevant to the situation.

Also, I would not place the welfare of your child in the hands of his girlfriend. Legally, you have the right to know the whereabouts of your daughter at all times, even during visitiation.
Tell your ex to get a spine.

This is his child. The girlfriend is a nobody as far as your child is concerned. You don't have to deal with her.

Is there a formal custody agreement? If there is, your ex has notify you where he is living.

Tell your boyfriend that you will not have any more communications with his girlfriend concerning your daughter. All communications has to be directly between the two of you only. If he wants to bring her up to date, he has to do it himself.

Good luck
Call a lawyer and buy a notebook. Keep very very detailed records of everything that happens with them that is pertinent to your daughter.Make sure to keep track of and never to delete any messages you get from her, especially if they are creepy
One can certainly understand why ex is ex! Sheesh! Yes, there's quite a bit you can do here. Write a one-pager to ex explaining simply that the court order granting custody requires the two of you to communicate absent any proviso regarding or indeed any mention of his housemate. If he is unable to comply with those terms, either because of HM's unwelcome intervention or any other reason, suggest that you will be pleased to seek legal recourse to address the matter. And also, of course, ignore HM. If you absolutely have to speak with her, advise her that custody arrangements are a matter exclusively between the parents but that if she has a question about child's care while in her home that you would be more than pleased to provide information. Add if you can that you're grateful for her care of your child and that child is genuinely fond of her. You must be firm but keep the door open as she, too, has some responsibility for your child in her home and it SURE doesn't sound like pop is any too accountable!

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