Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I really wish i hadn't moved away from my friends, can't make new ones. Too shy, Advice?

I prefer to hang around in smaller groups with a few close friends, but after moving to a new province in my grade 12 year i can't seem to make friends. Its a small school and everyone is really close and they hang out in huge groups. I was too scared to approach them the first week and now i'm left out, i just go to the library at lunch. I don't really mind doing homework at lunch but i do mind people looking and knowing i have no friends here. Why haven't they come up and approched me? I look like everyone else, and I am not repulsive looking, only shy. When you see someone who is obviously alone and quiet would you make the attempt to talk with them? Or do you think they're wierd?I really wish i hadn't moved away from my friends, can't make new ones. Too shy, Advice?
ME 2 !! i can't belive it what i did was try out for tennis now i have tons of friends join a culb of something then they will come to u k? trust me bout thisI really wish i hadn't moved away from my friends, can't make new ones. Too shy, Advice?
yeah they should really approach you and make you feel more welcome, but as they havent doesnt mean theyre not nice people, maybe they think because your shy that you prefer to be on your own. Im shy and i know that to other people it can sometimes come across as aloofness.

Why not try a conversation with just one or two people - like your new to the area so ask them questions like where the best stores are, whats fun to do in your area etc etc...try and catch peoples eye and just smile. Once they see that your not aloof theyll understand your shy and its hard to come to a new school, and they may make more of an effort.

also give your self time to make friends, it takes a bit to get to know people so dont worry too much about not having any friends there yet.
well why don't u just talk to them be friendly
Most the time, I assume that someone doing homework alone in the library wants to be alone. If you want to make friends, approach someone you kind of know from class and ask them for help in something. It doesn't matter what, as long as it wouldn't make them go out of their way to much to do it. People love being asked to help with someone.

Another option is to get involved in a club or team. Very often you'll make good friends when you hang out with them doing an activity every day of the week.

A third option is to try to find someone else like yourself who's all alone, or a smaller group that you think you have something in common with. Talk with them right before and after class, then ask if you could eat lunch with them. Most likely they'll say yes.
  • zits
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