Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I'm getting a new dog, any advice?

Her name is Tara and she is 6 months old. She is 3/4 Great Pyrenees 1/4 Maremma. Hopefully she will be a livestock guardian dog (LGD) for my goats. I've been doing a lot of research about her breeds and LGDs in general so I can kind of prepare myself as in what to expect. Does anyone have any advice as in how to introduce her to the goats? Should she be immediately kept in a pen with the goats, or near the goats? Should she be allowed inside the house at all, since she won’t generally be allowed after(if) she bonds with the goats? Does anyone have any idea how big she may be now? I emailed the person who has her asking questions also but she hasn’t got back to me yet. I’m getting her this Monday so any advice would be greatly appreciated.I'm getting a new dog, any advice?
That's nice! Dogs are very playful!

Here are some tips:

•Walk the dog everyday before you start school

•Don't forget to feed your dog!

•Be sure it has lots of attention. You might want to start with a puppy first because it sleeps when you're in school.

•Teach your dog tricks. Its a best way to have a really playful dog.

•You might want an Australian Shepherd. It's playful, it needs long walks, and naps a lot. I have one and it's one of the smartest dogs. Or you want a Border Collie. It is the smartest dog.

Okay so I hope you will get a dog. Here are some websites:



Names for dogs:


http://petrix.com/dognames/I'm getting a new dog, any advice?
Well I don't know about this breed, but I do know if you type great pyrenees in your search engine, you will probably find some clubs to join. I have shelties and I joined sheltie clubs and you can ask questions there like you do here and you get lots of answers and mostly lots of support. I guess I would put her on a leash, and take her to the goats to see how she reacts. My neighbor has a goat, and two boxers, and the goat keeps the dogs in their place. My moms dogs were outside during the day with her, but slept in the house at night when the weather was bad. I would train her to behave in the house in case you have weather issues.

this website tells u everything u need to know ...... even training w/ sheeps n cattle ......

I wouldn't think u should bring the dog in the house ..... it says that puppies as early as 3-4 weeks are placed w/ young lambs to begin the bonding ..... don't want to confuse ur puppy ........

they get upto 23-29 inches 65-110lbs

  • zits
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